The Golden Years - OFF Virtual Film Fest


Hey everybody! The Oxford Film Festival Virtual Film Fest gets kicked off this week and will continue for several months.

Many of you may have already seen the short I directed, “The Golden Years,” but on Friday, April 24th we will be screening with the McPhail Block, featuring the stars of my short in a variety of other projects.

You have a a select time to watch the films and the enjoy a brand new, exclusive to the virtual festival Q&A with me, Johnny McPhail and Susan McPhail as well as the filmmakers of their other projects.

Even if you have seen the film, I hope you will consider purchasing tickets. Oxford Film Festival needs your support right now.

Get your tickets here: Oxford Virtual Film Fest - McPhail Block tickets

Also, if you missed my piece on becoming a film director, check that out. I'm a Director essay

Finally, help us get the word out by sharing this post as well as the FB event:  McPhail Block FB event
