For Amy

In 2021, my friend Glenn Payne was visiting Los Angeles. We had met a couple of times at Oxford Film Festival, but we had never really said much more than hello up to that point.

Glenn is a prolific artist - always writing, directing, acting, painting, improv-ing - always doing something!

And me? Well, I was feeling incredibly blocked.

Glenn and I met for brunch in Los Feliz, and within minutes I opened up to him, telling him that I wanted to create so badly since moving back to Los Angeles, and yet I couldn’t seem to do it.

Glenn suggested that we make something together before he left for Mississippi. One or two pages, set in one location. Something meaningful to me that could be done with a couple of actors, a small crew and an iPhone. With no idea what to write, but believing in Glenn’s belief in me, I said I could do it.

And then it came to me.

This is the project Glenn and I made -with the help of Collin Surbeck, Zoe Bentyne and Toni Senatore. It’s a film about grief and love, and it’s for my beloved friend Amy who died last year.
